“I have recommended Kelli’s inspiring online class “Vision Boards - You Can Do It”. This is a life-changing experience that is also fun and easy following her outlined steps and detailed videos. I was able to achieve many goals this year by doing the visual art lessons, thinking through the soul-searching prompts of what is really important, and doing the work required to turn a dream into a reality.
Vision Boards - You Can Do It
Are you going to take action to achieve your goals for 2020?
Online Class - Discover and learn at your own pace
Over 5.5 hours of video training
Downloadable resources
Lifetime “On-Demand” access
Register now $39.00 (lifetime access*)
This vision board course is like no other. We will dig in deep with my outline of questions & mindful coaching. As in all of my artwork, there will be many layers (this is NOT a "clipping words and pictures from magazines" course). We will create backgrounds that speak to our answers & clearly define our wildest wishes and dreams. Step by step, section by section we will create our vision boards, or journals if you wish. Manifesting your goals!
Techniques taught in this course.
Listing what no longer works for us in our daily life •
Download PDF files showing step-by-step how to create your vision boards
What do you want badly enough to make the changes to get it?
Techniques for creating backgrounds and mark making
Action sheets to your dreams and wishes
Using simple symbols that personalize your artwork
What are you grateful for? How can this help your visions come to life?
How to get your art and stories published in magazines.
Taking down fear and replacing it with hope
Download PDF affirmation pages
Creating artful affirmations
How to create your own personal snail mail thank you station
Positive Living Apps - I share my favorites
Dreaming visually - being very specific
Techniques for overcoming learning curves
Step by step take all lessons and create your vision boards.
Register now $39.00 (lifetime access*)